Welcome to ABS, Antioch Baptist Seminary

At Antioch Baptist Seminary, you can take the same courses by correspondence that you could at a resident school, and you’ll pay hundreds less.  Additionally, a correspondence seminary like ours allows you to work at your own pace from the privacy of your home or office.  Enroll Now!

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Welcome to ABS

It is easy to enroll, and there are no entrance fees. You can begin the process toward earning your degree just by completing the enclosed application and sending the first tuition payment of only $100 with the application. Then, by the 10th of each month, send in your monthly tuition payment of at least $50. We will send you your first five courses. It's just that simple.
As a student of Antioch Baptist Seminary, you may concentrate in areas such as Bible, pastoral ministry, Christian counseling, evangelism, or missions at the associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral level.

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